In the press:

Dr Kay Swinburne MEP is Vice-Chair of the European Parliament's Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) and has shaped numerous pieces of European financial services legislation including EMIR, MiFID II, CSDR and Banking Union files. In 2016, Kay was recognised as one of the most influential women in finance by Financial News.
A proponent of competition and open markets, Kay’s specific successes include:
- Securing a corporate exemption for derivative clearing in EMIR, which was then emulated across global markets.
- Devising the dual-voting mechanism (Eurozone/non-Eurozone) for the EBA voting structure post Banking Union.
- Ensuring MiFID II applies open, non-discriminatory access to all EU market infrastructure
- Shaping the EU supervisory architecture, resulting in the formation of the ESRB, ESMA, EIOPA, EBA and an SSM for Eurozone banking
Kay has been a Rapporteur or Shadow Rapporteur on numerous legislative files covering market structure reform, reporting, settlement the recovery and resolution of CCPs, market abuse and OTC derivatives- and through close US ties provides a bridge for the Committee to US regulators at the CFTC, SEC, and US Treasury.
Prior to her political career, she worked as an Investment Banker at a large global firm concentrating on corporate finance and M&A for the pharmaceuticals and biotech sectors and as a Fund Manager advising on Biotechnology Investment.